Monday, December 21, 2009


by Lorena Becerril, Krystal Castaneda, and Angel Huerta

AIDA stands for attention, interest, desire and action. It was created by Elias Stem, a famous American advertiser and co-founder of the Association of National Advertisers. AIDA describes the cognitive stages a consumer goes through when introduced to a new product, service or idea.

  • Attention (also recognized as awareness) quickly grabs the consumers’ attention.
  • Interest: Once the consumer is aware of the product/ service, the client is responsible for informing them of the benefits of product or service.
  • Desire: After creating interest, the consumer feels they need the product. 
  • Action: All of these previous steps lay the foundation for action. The client’s purpose is then complete when the consumer makes a purchase.

    We interviewed three people about their experiences with AIDA. The interview with Mary H. shows what initially attracted her to Pampered Chef: word of mouth from friends and neighbors. Since some people who use Pampered Chef also sell it, the Interest and Desire part of AIDA was very successful and resulted in her purchase and satisfaction with the product.

    Our second interviewee, Cordelia G. recently purchased a Coach purse. Her interest in fashion drove her to purchase the product. Although her purchase was spontaneous, she had done previous research on the product to inform herself whether or not the product satisfied her needs. Her previous purchase reassured her that the quality of the product was more important than the cost. In the end, her satisfaction toward the product created brand loyalty.

    The interview with Mary K. illustrates how although an advertisement may grab the consumer’s attention, but often the consumer performs his/her own research. Mary's prior experience with Apple computers in high school also gave her a strong foundation for interest and desire. Moreover, Apple’s satisfactory customer service created a strong customer/brand relationship and proven to extend past AIDA into (S) satisfaction.

    Not only is AIDA an application useful to marketers and researchers alike, it can also be used as an online tracking system. While ranking consumer awareness, a client can track home page hits and search engine rankings. As part of interest, companies can place PR and web marketing. By calculating E-news signups and web inquires, desire can be monitored and action can be computed through online sales.
     Team "AIDA"

    Krystal Castaneda, Angel Huerta, Lorena Becerril

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